Become an Affiliate Marketer to help people prepare for joblessness in the digital age of disruption

We have 571 weeks left until 2030 to make significant changes to our climate – let’s go!

In our previous post, we chatted about how we are going to get organised to help an entire country pivot and shift into the digital age of disruption. Our initial goal is to get at least one Virtual Assistant in every town who become the central point of contact to help more people adopt Ecommerce. These VA’s in turn will connect with designers, developers, photographers and copywriters to help the Ecommerce provider launch a successful Ecommerce business so that we can cut out expensive supermarkets.

Remember: Leaderless is a Non Profit Company owned by the people to help educate and prepare people for the digital age of disruption. Our goal is to teach people how to use technology to cut out greed and government corruption. Our core business, we believe, is to sell time so that we can heal nations.

In order to keep an economy going, we need to keep the flow of goods selling. Ideally, we would like to encourage selling food products or products that will clean up our planet.

In order to keep products moving, we’ve invited Virtual Assistants and Website Developers to a WhatsApp group who have started to collaborate among one another, get organised and learn all about Ecommerce.

Many of the developers already help their clients sell products and they could do with some hands on deck to help sell their products. This is where Affiliate Marketing comes in. Affiliate Marketing does take some work to get up and running but it becomes far easier to sell products that you care about and want to endorse.

We are not cutting out any other developers but have decided to start with WooCommerce because it is the biggest platform. We would like to invite Magento, Shopify and other ecommerce platforms to join and help set up the systems for your platforms.

Downloading the email drip campaign to teach Virtual Assistants how to become Affiliate Marketers.

Our initial goal is to help developers create a constant source of income by asking the Virtual Assistant’s to help sell their ecommerce themes to clients who want to start selling online. Once the Virtual Assistants understand how Affiliate Marketing works and the developers have set up their own Affiliate Marketing programmes, the developers can implement Affiliate Marketing programmes for their own clients which the VA’s and other people can sign up to and help sell other people’s products.

Affiliates can share their affiliate links in social media channels, email marketing campaigns as well as on their own websites and blogs  in the form of Creative images that, when clicked is tracked by the affiliate marketing software and if it results in a sale, the Affiliate Marketer gets their commission.

In order to educate the virtual assistants, developers will need to set up a drip campaign in their preferred choice of email marketing provider. This can be Mailchimp, ConstantContact, Drip, Convert Kit or Aweber. Whatever platform you choose.

Most developers already help their clients with email marketing so drip campaigns should be familiar to them. In a nutshell, drip campaigns are emails that go out every day or when a condition is met. In our case, this drip campaign is an educational drip campaign to teach the VA’s how to get signed up as an affiliate marketer to sell a client’s products and services.

By downloading the following template, you can copy and paste the template into your own email drip campaigns and change it to suite your voice and tone.

Download the Affiliate Marketing drip campaign template here. Preview modal-

Enter your name and email to download the affiliate marketing drip campaign template here for your choice of email marketing software.

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In our next post, we will share the Affiliate Marketing software with the developers as well as the templates we’ve used to build our eCommerce platforms.

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