Decentralised innovation hubs of the future

What if we never have to worry about food, water, data or electricity again? What if we can create a universal basic income for people living in decentralised innovation hubs that teach people how to take ownership? What if people can choose their own laws using smart contracts and artificial intelligence within these decentralised innovation hubs? 

We’ve had a few rounds of proposing the Leaderless idea now and every time we’ve had them, it became clear that we needed to polish the idea a little more to address a question and get clearer about how people can become Leaderless. How does one steer a ship without someone at the helm?

It has taken a fair amount of thinking, meetings and figuring out how this idea will work, but I am glad to announce that we have finally managed to figure it out. Starting with the Leaderless team, we will build our first decentralized innovation hub where social entrepreneurs like ourselves will come together and not have to worry about electricity, food, water or housing and instead keep focused on creating course material that will teach people how to take ownership in the sectors of government where service delivery is not happening fast enough and to create jobs of the future in light of job losses like the 3000 jobs that were lost to software bots by Nedbank here in South Africa just the other day.

We will launch the pilot project and record the process which people will then be able to replicate. Our first pilot project will be in Cape Town where this project started, but with plans to create decentralised innovation hubs all along the coast. For this, we are working on an awareness campaign for 2019 called the and along this route, we will build the innovation hubs.

An example school/studio we have in mind, central to the innovation hub that we will build for the Leaderless team. Everything here will be recorded and put online in order to replicate these hubs down the coast of South Africa and around the world.

The first thing we need to ensure is that the innovators are fed. In a meeting I had with a farming company last week, a colleague was asked to join because he knows a lot about the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In this meeting he said, “So you’re trying to build super schools” – and yes, that is what we’re doing. Building schools in decentralised innovation hubs for optimised human beings of the future. In the book Stealing Fire, the author goes on to explain that as a Navy Seal, the leader exposes himself as the situation arises. It is this kind of leader we want to create.

For now, I will lead this process until the vision is very clear to everyone involved. But I want to make this clear, Leaderless belongs to all the people. It is designed for people to take ownership of their own lives. We are not a political party but a Non Profit Company who teaches the most immediate leaders around them who then influences the most immediate people around the next group of people in order to get things done.

Until we get the right investors, Leaderless will continue to fund itself by building certain Blockchain applications that plug into the bigger picture of Leaderless further down the road. I asked this farming company to help us with a couple of things.

  1. We’d like to use a piece of their land where we will set up our first digital literacy school.
  2. We’d like to build a Blockchain application that bypasses the supermarkets to deliver food directly to the customer from the farm.
  3. We’d like to start a vertical farm where their employees will be able to start migrating their skills to the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
  4. We’d like to convert their existing farming equipment to electric vehicles which will save them money and help clean up the planet.

All of this will be recorded and be used as courses that we fund the future of Leaderless through a subscription model. We will solve the free education problem by making the course for free if you catch it at the time it is aired, else it will be a paid for course. Each lecturer we choose, is meticulously chosen for their disruptive thinking and because they want to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor.

All of courses are designed to show people how to take ownership in each abused sector of government. Finance, communication, food, energy, education, transport and more, further down the road. If the technology does not exist, we educate and create it.

This week, I see a client of to help us build out a very big 3D printer that will be used for projects on the farm as well as course material for the future. We have started assembling the team who will help us put this 3D printer together, figure out how to recycle plastic and then start making products that will clean up our future.

Our next meeting is an important one to get a yes from the owner of the farm. With a yes, we can go back to the construction company willing to help us build the first digital literacy school and get the foundations down. 

More good news is that Leaderless has gone through to be registered as a Non Profit Company. With advice from the Fibre Council of South Africa, we took this route for two reasons.

  1. It builds trust – at the core of everything we do, we teach principles and values and it was important for people to understand that the profits Leaderless will make will be poured back into the projects we develop that will help educate people about how they can take ownership and lean less on government.
  2. We can accept grants from companies – from $10,000 per month from Google to advertise, to aligning ourselves with disruptive companies who can right off their contributions to tax, we will make use of other people’s money to help educate people about the digital disruption that will replace jobs.

Our next goal is to complete our Initial Coin Offering, which is just a fancy word for crowd funding the money to be able to build out the Leaderless platform on a Blockchain application. The money made from the platform will be poured back to create the next innovation hub.  For this though, we will need to create a PTY company. We only have one shot at this to get it right and don’t want to mess it up.

It’s been a lot of work since 2015 and a lot of networking that’s taken place but it is full steam ahead from here on out.

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