Leaderless is now a Non Profit Company!

At long last, Leaderless is registered as a Non Profit Company (2018 / 239061 / 08)! In a previous post, I spoke about our decision to open up as a Non Profit or a For Profit and eventually decided to go with a hybrid model.

If there were such a model as a Social Enterprise, then this is the option we’d have taken but since the laws in South Africa are set up the way they currently are, we had to choose the hybrid model. Leaderless therefore will be be a Non Profit Company to build trust among all people whilst Ogel will be the For Profit arm which is allowed to take equity funding to help us grow in the form of an Initial Coin Offering.

Leaderless officially a Non Profit Company ~ Leaderless.co

With the Non Profit set up, we’re now allowed to accept grants from the companies we want to work with. Most notably, companies that are disrupting the Status Quo in order for us to close the gap on inequality and to clean up our planet in the process. The projects we build will be recorded and put online for others to learn from so they can do it themselves.

Many people will not have the time to build some of these projects on their own, so our own team will be able to create the products we make and sell them back through Ogel, which in turn will hand it’s profits back to Leaderless so that we can continue to grow the team and further build on new courses that will help people prepare for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The three directors of Leaderless are the three people who have sat countless hours working together, planning and giving up their time on weekends to make Leaderless a reality. Edith Kennedy, Paula Gries and myself, James van der Hoven will be the directors but, I stress this to the end; Leaderless is a non profit company for the people. Collaboratively, we will come up with new ideas to free ourselves from systems that no longer serve our purpose, especially in the light of a digital revolution that will replace many jobs.

We are not politicians, we are educators who believe that all people have it in them to create and manifest that which gives them true meaning and technology will be the helper.

Join us as we educate people to prepare for the digital age and use technology to disrupt corruption and greed.

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